Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Room 8 Presidential Fans

Mrs. Perry's students LOVE learning about the presidents! I found a deck of president cards in the $1 bin at Target, and they have created a game with them. I have no idea how it works, but I love that they play it on checkout days.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Population Density - Grade 4

As part of our world geography unit, Grade 4 took a look at population density. Students put their countries' area and population into Excel, and we sorted and ran a formula to see how many people lived in each square mile. Then we practiced reading visual representations of data with this map:

Which continents are the most densely populated?

Here's a hint ... one of the cities on one of the continents is Tokyo, where the subway is so crowded that people get squished onto the train cars by professional "pushers." Here's video evidence:

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Book Recommendations from Susanna

Do you have favorite books that you think other students should read too? You can be in charge of the recommendation shelf for a week! Just give Ms. Moore a list of 4-8 books that you love (and that we have at the Stadium library).

Here are some of Susanna's picks ... a few have already been checked out. Stadium students love dogs and puppies!