Sunday, May 18, 2014

Around the World in Grade 4

Fourth-graders are learning about maps and atlases in preparation for research about different countries' cultures.

How quickly can you correctly identify the world's continents and oceans on your first try? 

If you need a refresher before clicking the link above, watch this video.

Book Recommendations from Molli

Do you have favorite books that you think other students should read too? You can be in charge of the recommendation shelf for a week! Just give Ms. Moore a list of 4-8 books that you love (and that we have at the Stadium library).

Here are some of Molli's picks:

Internet Privacy Tips from 6th Graders

Sixth graders read case studies involving breaches of internet privacy and discussed the issues at play. Then they put together a list of tips to protect yourself and your account information online:

  • Keep your password to yourself.
  • Don't use the same password for everything
  • Use special passwords (e.g., not dictionary words or pet names) to reduce hacking. NOTE: One really good idea from is to “use a phrase such as ‘I started 7th grade at Western Hills Middle School in 2012’ and use the initial of each word like this: Is7gaWHMSi2012.”
  • Change your passwords from time to time.
  • Don't allow your friends to take revealing pictures of you.
  • Make sure your pictures are appropriate and won't offend anyone.
  • Never give out personal information, such as your address or phone number.
  • Only accept friend requests from real friends.
  • Be careful of what sites you go on and their privacy policies.
  • Don't click on ads.
  • Never say or post anything bad, because it is never REALLY deleted off the internet

Get more tips at

Why 3rd Graders Love World Book Web to the Rhode Island Office of Library & Information Services (OLIS), all RI residents have access to the World Book Web online encyclopedia through this link:

World Book Web

When polled, most third graders agreed that it's easier to use than the print version. Here are some of their reasons why:
  • it shows more pictures
  • in a book, you have to flip the pages; online just just type
  • it tells you more facts than you can get on a piece of paper
  • online is more entertaining
I have to say, though, that part of why I am so good at trivia is because of flipping through those pages back in the pre-Internet days! However, the online encyclopedia does have the huge advantage of being updated constantly, as well as allowing multiple users access to the same information.

To buy a new print set or not to buy a new print set? That is the question ...

Common Core standards addressed: RI.3.5 - Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently. / RI.3.7 - Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text. / W.3.1 - Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Elephant & Piggie Are Here!

I have started posting projects on DonorsChoose, which is a site that allows teachers to ask the world in general to support their classrooms. I am so happy that we've gotten THREE projects funded already!

The first was to bring the 20-volume Elephant & Piggie collection to Stadium. These books are by Mo Willems, creator of the Pigeon and a student favorite.

Room 5 students were the first to dive into the box of new books. Here they are:

Yesterday, I introduced first graders to the series. Here is Room 1 ...

They are trying out Elephant & Piggie's dance moves, which are found at this link. Have your own dance party at home!