Friday, October 19, 2012

RICBA Gives Kids the Vote

We're gearing up for Election Day in November, but did you know that students get the chance to vote in February? The Rhode Island Children’s Book Award (RICBA) goes to the book selected by students in grades 3-6 as their favorite from a list of 20 nominees.

Students who read 3 or more nominated books may vote in February. They will receive extra credit for each RICBA ratings sheet they submit; it asks them to record what the book was about and how they felt about it. They can also share their opinions on the official RICBA blog.

So far, after students had a chance to preview the nominees, Wonderstruck and Sidekicks have had the most holds placed. It will be interesting to see if one of them ends up winning! Side note: If you like Sidekicks, consider renting the movie “Mystery Men” … I see a lot of similarities.

To give everyone a head start, I'll be reading at least one nominee to each class. More to come in separate posts.

1 comment:

  1. And the winner, announced in March, was .... SIDEKICKS!
