Sunday, December 30, 2012

Book, Book, Book and Other Animal Sounds

The library often sounds a little like a zoo, but this past month, it also sounded like a farm! I read a selection of animal sounds books to the kindergarten classes:
Students got a huge kick out of the story of Bark, George (thank you to fellow librarian Suzanne Jordan, who recommended it!).

To support their retelling skills, students colored and cut out the characters so they could bring them home and share story to their families. (You can click on the link to access and download more copies.)

Then we watched this puppet-show version of the story:

Because students' animal sounds sometimes got a little ... enthusiastic ... I taught them the conductor's cut-off signal. Which reminded me of The Sesame Street All-Animal Orchestra, conducted by Seiji Ozawa:

1 comment:

  1. Check Sounds of the wild. One of the best sound books for kids I have seen.
