Saturday, October 4, 2014

Room 11 Dewey Sorting

The Dewey Decimal system is a way of sorting nonfiction books. I don't expect my students to memorize specific numbers; that's what the online catalog is for. I do, however, want them to understand how certain topics go together. At least according to how Mr. Dewey thought they did.

Each table of fourth graders got a stack of books from a "hundreds." They had to work together to figure out how the subjects could be classified under one major label. Here are Room 11 kids in action. I don't want to give away the answers before Room 9 does the activity next week, but if you think you can figure them out, leave a comment below!

500s: planets, animals, plants, elements, ecosystems, electricity, weather ... 

700: sports, jokes, art, music, dancing, crafts ... 

900s: states, maps, wars, countries, medieval times ... 

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